Webinar KPPTM Siri 4/2020 – Internet Of Things Smart Home

Tarikh :  16 Disember 2020 (Rabu)

Webinar telah disampaikan oleh YM Raja Mohammad Hafiz bin Raja Kamarudin, Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat, Hospital Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Webinar telah diadakan secara maya melalui aplikasi Google Meet anjuran bersama PERJASA.

Objektif webinar adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan berkaitan Internet of Things Smart Home. ‘Internet of Things‘ is an umbrella term used for all technologies that enable the connection of a device to the Internet. Such systems depend on the collection of data. The data is then used for monitoring, controlling and transferring information to other devices via the internet.

A smart home allows homeowners to control appliances, thermostats, lights, and other devices remotely using a smartphone or tablet through an internet connection. Smart homes can be set up through wireless or hardwired systems. Smart home technology provides homeowners with convenience and cost savings.

Persediaan Webinar IOT Smart Home:

*Keperluan Peralatan & Perisian*
1. ESP-32 CAM
4. AC-DC Buck Converter
5. Laptop/PC
6. Arduino IDE